first impulse

美 [fɜːrst ˈɪmpʌls]英 [fɜːst ˈɪmpʌls]
  • 第一个念头
first impulsefirst impulse
  1. Her first impulse was to run away .


  2. Your first impulse might be to allow only English words .


  3. I would 've obeyed my first impulse and walked away .


  4. The first impulse to improvement comes from seeing the superior condition of others .


  5. My first impulse was one of despair , but my second was towards joy .


  6. Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves


  7. Your first impulse will be to quit .


  8. The first impulse to write this novel is described as a throb .


  9. that when he found himself still alive , his first impulse was to finish the job himself ,


  10. Your first impulse might be to work on queries with long run times , but these aren 't necessarily the " problem " queries .


  11. The English Poet Laureate Ted Hughes is a poet whose first impulse is to give ode to nature .


  12. A new study finds that when people have to make the choice instantly , their first impulse is cooperation - which indicates that generosity is innate .


  13. In the magnitude range studied the P-wave first impulse width and the source radius do not increase with ML , and the stress drop increases with ML.


  14. His first impulse is to jump back and warn the others , but he know the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking .


  15. He had never seen any as sun-golden before , and his first impulse was to send them to May instead of the lilies .


  16. Such is the trajectory of language 's energy : in a first impulse , to listen to the language of others and to derive a certain security from this distance ;


  17. When he recovered himself , his first impulse was to follow the man ; who knows whether he did not hold at last the clue which he was seeking ?


  18. When surrounded by smart people , your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance , but that 's the wrong way to go , according to Doug Edwards , Google 's first director of marketing and brand management , who joined the company in 1999 .


  19. Based on the earthquake record data of Guangxi seismic network in more than 30 years , the ambient shear stress values around many middle and small earthquake sources in Guangxi and adjacent rigions are determined by using the method of half period in P wave first impulse and magnitude .


  20. It first detects impulse noises in an image in a serial mode , and the threshold , which is used to estimate noise pixel , can be modified adaptively .


  21. First , impulse noise is reduced , although the median filter is a good method for impulse noise 's denoising , it may make the signal details lost , thus impulse noise was firstly detected and then reduced .


  22. It first detects impulse noise in an image by multiplex scale window , and the threshold can be modified adaptively according to the brightness value of different regions . Modified median filtering based on the noise detection results is adopted to remove the impulse noise .


  23. The displacement field caused by an explosion in a spherical cavity situated in a layered medium is then calculated by first finding the impulse response of the medium and then con-volving it with the equivalent point source function .


  24. Bow-tie antennas are widely used broadband antennas , and are also the first choice of the impulse GPR .


  25. In the fifth chapter , we are concern with the existence and uniqueness of solution , iterative scheme and an error estimate for nonlinear first and second order impulse integro-differential equations .
